Is your reputation management plan up to date?
This week, we all shook our heads in disbelief at the antics of a poorly conceived stunt to give away $100,000 (allegedly in cash) by dropping it from the sky.
Here’s one of the many media stories if you missed it: ‘Absolutely disgusted’: Auckland crowd outraged after Safety Warehouse ‘$100k cash drop’
The Safety Warehouse is a name that will live on for many years for all the wrong reasons. It will likely be used as a case study for PR students (possibly around the world) on how not to handle a reputation crisis.
Health and safety disaster, lack of common sense (or any sense) and moral clarity aside, what we want to touch on is reputation damage and some tips on how to avoid this happening to you or your business.
Tip one: Own your mistakes
There are many ways to tackle a media and public furore. However, blaming and shaming the general public is not one of them. Owning your mistakes also earns you respect.
Tip two: Check your social channels
While the team immediately removed their Facebook page, they didn’t remove their LinkedIn – allowing for harmful comments via that channel. More alarming, they listed their staff on the channel (now removed) exposing them to public harm.
Tip three: Don’t do anything hasty!
Removing social media pages is one way of stopping trolls and unsavoury comments, but so is turning off reviews and moderating your comment settings.
Tip four: Get yourself a reputation management plan
The Christmas party season is well under way so make sure you’re acting responsibly as the host. Take a moment to consider your reputation management plan, which is part of your crisis planning. We can help you with this!
Should the unthinkable happen and you’re on the front page of the paper for all of the wrong reasons, are you ready?