The time is now for systemic child protection change

New Zealand has never been as informed about the abuse of its children and young people as right now – which means there has never been a better time than right now to make the systemic changes required to keep our kids safe, says Child Matters CEO, Jane Searle.

“In the past seven days, we have seen the Royal Commission into Abuse in State Care, and the sobering Independent Children’s Monitor report into the death of five-year-old Malachi Subecz.

“These follow numerous previous reports and reviews, as well as the tragic deaths of
precious children such as Mustafa, Baby Ru, Casino, and many others – all of which means that we have never known more about the trauma that has been inflicted on our most vulnerable children over generations.

“Equally, there has never been more focus on the failings of the care and protection system,” says Ms Searle.

“Collectively we have been shocked, touched by the pain, and angered. But that also provides us with a critical opportunity to implement effective systems change.”

Ms Searle says numerous previous reports and investigations identify basic failures that every New Zealander can see need to be fixed.

“It is obvious that if Oranga Tamariki frontline staff don’t have appropriate training, resourcing, and workloads, they cannot do their job.

“Thanks to the courage of those who selflessly shared their stories of abuse and neglect we are more informed than ever about what happens when the system fails.

“Now is the time for us to say to those making the decisions in Wellington: collectively we know more, collectively we are horrified, and as voters we give you the remit to take the lead, to invest in the care and protection system, and to act now. The time is now.”

Child Matters is an independent child abuse advocacy and training provider and New Zealand’s only national charitable trust dedicated to the prevention of child abuse.