Last week, we were invited along to the Young Innovators design thinking workshop (a Priority One Western Bay of Plenty initiative), held for last year’s yia! Winners.
Hosted by local design thinking guru, Clare Swallow, Vittoria Nevin from our Tauranga office stepped up to share her storytelling expertise with the group of secondary school students, showcasing the importance of storytelling when pitching great ideas.
Vi left the students with three important things to remember when it comes to storytelling: Audience, Emotion, and Hook
– Understand who your audience is
– Identify their emotions or how you want them to feel
– Finally, using that information coming up with a compelling hook to lure them in!
Vi said, “it was an awesome experience working with the students and helping them bring their ideas to life – we’re in safe hands with the calibre of the solutions these future leaders came up with for everyday problems.”