News and Insights

How COVID-19 is changing crisis planning

While there is much speculation about the long-term effects of COVID-19 on our economy, lives and careers, we know it…

Five ways I’ve been winning working from home with children

By Lisa Glass Standards have fallen, waistlines have expanded and definitions of acceptable TV shows for young viewers have been…

Reassurance – we all need it

One thing you’ll be used to us saying is ‘communicate, communicate, communicate.’ Coming back into a physical working space, whether…

Top tips for video conferencing

Reduce Noise The secret for video conferencing (or Zui, Zoom-hui) is limiting distraction. Not yours – your colleagues! Whether that’s…

Getting Ready for Level 3

At the time of writing, specifics relating to what our future Level 3 will look like are still being ironed…

The fast-changing face of media

A month ago, an article with a heading like this one would have been talking about the decline of local…